My Scoliosis Scar

My Scoliosis Scar
I know a lot of people are really interested in what their scoliosis scar will look like post surgery, so I thought I’d share some pictures of my scar through the different stages of my recovery.

My Scoliosis Scar -2 weeks post op

My Scoliosis Scar - 2 weeks post op
My Scar – 2 weeks post op
Here is my scoliosis scar about 2 weeks post op after I first removed my dressing. I remember being shocked (and pleased!) at how thin and neat the scar was. It was very red and sore though and I was unable to wear a bra at this point as it was too painful. I remember my back was also pretty bruised and swollen.

My Scoliosis Scar – 6 weeks post op

My Scoliosis Scar - 6 weeks post op
My Scar – 6 weeks post op

At 6 weeks post op, my scar was still pretty red and sore and my back was still swollen. I remember I still found it painful to wear a bra at this point.

My Scoliosis Scar – 5 months post op

My Scoliosis Scar - 5 mnnths post op
My Scar – 5 months post op

At around 5 months post op, my scar turned a kind of purple colour. I remember being a bit worried that it would stay like this as it looked pretty noticeable. I needn’t have worried though, as it soon faded pretty nicely. After 1 year post op, it was barely visible (see below picture).

My Scoliosis Scar – 1 year post op

My Scoliosis Scar - 1 year post op
My Scar – 1 year post op
As you can see my scar has faded nicely and you can hardly see it now, it kind of looks white. I thought it would be a lot more noticeable to be honest!

A tip:

Bio Oil can be really helpful for improving the appearance of your scar. I use it on my scar and I think it really does help. Although I would say wait until the scar has healed fully before using it đŸ™‚

Update! See the below links for more scar related pictures..

My Scoliosis Scar: Two Years Post op

My Scoliosis scar: 2 years 8 months post op

Scoliosis Photo Gallery

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