Race for Life!

This weekend I did something I thought would never be possible following my scoliosis surgery. I ran 10K (!) through Delamere Forest for Race for Life to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
I’m not going to lie, the training was hard for me. Especially as I only signed up 5 weeks before the event and so had limited time to train (plus I had never really ‘done’ running before!).
I always thought running and scoliosis didn’t really go together and have always found running difficult. But in 5 weeks I managed to build myself up to complete the race in 1 hr 17 minutes, which I’m so proud of. Now I feel fitter and stronger than ever and hope to improve my running and fitness in time and build up to a quicker time.
After surgery I had to learn how to walk again, so after all I’ve been through with my back I’m really not bothered about being the fastest. I’m just grateful that I can be IN a race at all.
It just goes to show that even after scoliosis surgery I can do anything I put my mind to and I’m so proud of myself.
Now I’m more determined than ever, if you tell me I can’t, I’ll prove to you I CAN 😉
Louise xx

I had scoliosis surgery in 2010 and blog about my experiences living with scoliosis. My aim is to raise awareness of scoliosis and help and inspire others with the condition.