Scoliosis Books: 4 books you should read if you have scoliosis

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Scoliosis Books: 4 Books you should read if you have scoliosis
1. Scoliosis Surgery: The Definitive Patient’s Reference by David Wolpert
I talk about this book a lot on this blog. That’s because when I was deciding whether I should have scoliosis surgery this book really helped me. It helped me to understand the facts, which helped me to prepare. It’s written by someone who has been through the surgery and describes in fantastic detail:
- What is involved in scoliosis surgery.
- How to decide whether surgery is right for you.
- What the surgical options are and risks.
- Other scoliosis treatments.
- How to prepare for surgery.
- Practical recovery tips.
It doesn’t use medical jargon and is very easy to read and understand. After reading this book I felt more in control and better equipped to make a decision about scoliosis surgery. It also helped me to speak with my surgeon, ask the right questions and understand the options available to me. If you or someone you know may need scoliosis surgery, I highly recommend this book.
2. Curves, Twists and Bends: A Practical Guide to Pilates for Scoliosis by Annette Wellings and Alan Herdman
I recently purchased this book and I have to say I think it’s great – you can read my review here: Pilates for Scoliosis: A Review of Curves Twists and Bends. This book is aimed at those who have not had scoliosis surgery but even if you have had surgery, the exercises are still incredibly useful. I wish I’d have known about this book before I had surgery as I think the exercises would be very useful in strengthening my back and core prior to surgery. It’s a practical book, written by a Pilates instructor with scoliosis and contains diagrams of stretches and exercises that can help scoliosis and reduce pain. There are also informative sections on what scoliosis is and strategies for coping with the condition.
3. Deenie by Judy Blume
Ah Deenie. This is a classic fictional scoliosis book. It’s a short book aimed at teenagers/pre-teens and gives a great insight into what it is like to grow up with scoliosis. Deenie is a teenage girl whose mum wants her to become a model. However, this all changes when she gets diagnosed with scoliosis and has to wear a back brace for four years. As I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 14, I can relate to Deenie and her emotions. The shock of being diagnosed and the denial, anger, fear and insecurities it caused. This book would be inspiring and encouraging for any teenager or pre-teen struggling with scoliosis. It may also help parents to understand what it’s like for their child. Most adults who have been through a similar ordeal with scoliosis as a teenager would be able to relate to this book.
4. Help, My Daughter Has Scoliosis by Hilary Lowne
I wish this book was around when I was diagnosed to help my own parents. Getting diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager is tough but not just for the patient. I know for a fact that my parents had a hard time with it all and my mum blamed herself. This book is different from the rest, as it is written from the point of view of a parent whose daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis at 14. It’s full of useful information about scoliosis, the surgery and recovery and is written in and easy to read style. If you are the parent of a child with scoliosis I think you would find this book extremely helpful. That being said, I think the information in this book would also be useful for anyone preparing for scoliosis surgery.
There are also a few other scoliosis books that I’ve got my eye on and want to read, one of them is Run Like a Girl: How Strong Women Make Happy Lives as it looks inspirational. I’ll add to this post as and when I find and read new scoliosis books that I think would be helpful. I’d also like to create my own book about my own experiences with scoliosis one day…watch this space!
So, there you have it! These are my recommended scoliosis books, what are yours? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll add them to my reading list 🙂
Louise X
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I had scoliosis surgery in 2010 and blog about my experiences living with scoliosis. My aim is to raise awareness of scoliosis and help and inspire others with the condition.