Scoliosis and Anxiety: 5 ways scoliosis can cause anxiety

Scoliosis and Anxiety: 5 ways scoliosis can cause anxiety

Hi everyone, In this post I wanted to talk about my experiences of scoliosis and anxiety.  If you have scoliosis and can relate please let me know in the comments, you’re not alone.  Having a long term chronic condition like scoliosis can have a huge impact on mental health, and I actually have a whole separate post and video on how scoliosis has affected my mental health. But I wanted to talk about scoliosis and anxiety specifically, as it’s something...Read More
Scoliosis and Body Confidence: My 5 Tips

Scoliosis and Body Confidence: My 5 Tips

Hi all, As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought I would do a post to talk about scoliosis and body confidence. Scoliosis is a spinal condition, and in my case my spine is curved in the shape of an 'S.' It's a chronic condition, which means it's something I have to live with forever. Scoliosis has many symptoms including pain and stiffness but an important symptom is how scoliosis can affect body confidence, self worth and overall mental...Read More
7 Mistakes I Made When I was First Diagnosed with Scoliosis

7 Mistakes I Made When I was First Diagnosed with Scoliosis

This blog post is all about the mistakes I made when I was first diagnosed with scoliosis. Can you relate to any of these? Let me know in the comments. Isolating myself The first and major mistake I made when I was first diagnosed with scoliosis was isolating myself. I didn't tell anyone about my scoliosis for a long time. I used to spend most nights alone in my room feeling pretty down and upset about myself. If you have...Read More
Dealing with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety

Like a lot of people, I have been struggling with anxiety recently, more so over the last few months. The uncertainty around lockdown, social isolation and the pandemic in general have (unsurprisingly) resulted in an increase in mental health issues, and also, a general awareness of them too. I have always been a worrier, ever since I was a child. My main anxiety has always been around my health. As a child, I remember checking myself for breast cancer and...Read More
Scoliosis and Mental Health: My Story

Scoliosis and Mental Health: My Story

It's World Mental Health Day on 10th October, which got me thinking about how scoliosis has impacted my own mental health. What many people don't realise, is that scoliosis is more than a back condition. Depending on severity and location of curve(s), scoliosis can cause physical deformity, pain, neurological issues, breathing, digestive problems, and more. It is also a chronic condition, meaning it cannot be cured and it can also be progressive in severe cases. All this is not to...Read More
5 ways to look after your mental health during lock-down

5 ways to look after your mental health during lock-down

We are coming to the end of the first two weeks in lock-down in the UK and honestly, at times it can be hard. I know that other people have it worse than me. I know that key workers are having to go into work whilst I can work safely from home. I know that millions are home schooling their children, whilst attempting to work full time, whilst I don't have kids. I know I'm probably one of the lucky...Read More
5 Self Care Tips for those with Scoliosis

5 Self Care Tips for those with Scoliosis

5 Self Care Tips for Scoliosis Over the past year, I have been living life on full speed, and as a result, have recently made myself pretty ill and run down. This has been very frustrating for me, as I've not been able to run or do the things I enjoy for a while. But this forced rest has made me realise something. That although I have been trying to focus on myself over the last 8 months or so...Read More
Running and Mental Health

Running and Mental Health

Running and Mental Health It's Mental Health Awareness week 14th - 20th May 2018, so to raise awareness I thought I'd write a post on the effect running has had on my own mental health. It's well documented that running can be good for mental health, and everyone has reasons why they run. For some it's to lose weight, keep fit or socialise. For others, it's escapism from a stressful job or the strains of everyday life. Personally, I run for...Read More