Top tips for marathon training with scoliosis

Top tips for marathon training with scoliosis

Hi everyone, In this post I wanted to run through some of my top tips for marathon training with scoliosis or spinal fusion. If you read my blog or watch my YouTube videos, you may know that I ran the Manchester Marathon in April 2022! This was my first marathon, and to be honest, running a marathon was something I NEVER imagined I would be able to do, especially following my spinal fusion surgery. I still can't quite believe I've...Read More
I Ran a Marathon!

I Ran a Marathon!

Hi everyone, I can't quite believe that I'm writing this but.... I completed an actual marathon! Me, the girl with severe scoliosis and spinal fusion. I'm so proud of myself it is unreal. 11 years ago when I was lying in that hospital bed following my scoliosis surgery, if someone had shown me a photograph of me at the finish line of a marathon, I wouldn't have believed it could be true. I think I would have laughed! But what...Read More
Marathon Training: 10 Tips to Prepare for a Long Run

Marathon Training: 10 Tips to Prepare for a Long Run

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  As I'm currently in the midst (and pain!) of marathon training, I've found myself getting into a bit of a pre-run routine when it comes to preparing for a long run, so I thought I'd share on here in case the things I've picked up are of use to anyone else. As some of you may be aware, I'm currently training for my first marathon (Manchester Marathon in April) to raise awareness and money...Read More
Marathon Training with Scoliosis: VLOG 3

Marathon Training with Scoliosis: VLOG 3

Hi everyone! For those who don't know, I have set myself the challenge of running my first marathon in April. It's safe to say, I'm terrified....! In VLOG 3 of marathon training with scoliosis, I take you on a typical training week with me. This includes my longest run as part of this training block - 14 miles. This week, I had a bit of a niggle in my left calf, and so I missed a session on Thursday to...Read More
Marathon Training with Scoliosis: VLOG 2

Marathon Training with Scoliosis: VLOG 2

Hi everyone, So as you may (or may not) be aware, I'm training for my first marathon in April 2022. At the start of the month I shared the first week of marathon training. Last week I filmed my second marathon training vlog, to show a typical week at this stage - which is 10 weeks until marathon day. I'm now at the stage where I'm starting to build the long run distance, and I am starting to struggle now...Read More
Marathon Training with Scoliosis: VLOG 1

Marathon Training with Scoliosis: VLOG 1

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. So... over Christmas, I started my marathon training. I'm training for my first ever marathon, the Manchester marathon, which is in April 2022! I am working with a run coach and following the plans he sets for me each week, as I really want to do well and give myself the best shot possible. The plans typically involve several run sessions a week, plus several strength sessions per...Read More
Glute Exercises for Runners: My Top 10

Glute Exercises for Runners: My Top 10

Hi everyone, As you may (or may not!) be aware, I love to run. Over the years (post spinal fusion), I have ran 6 half marathons, countless 10k's and over 60 parkruns. Pandemic aside, I'm a member of a local run club and was training for a marathon this time last year. Over the last few months, I have not been able to run due to an injury to (I think) a tendon in my right leg, which causes ankle...Read More
10 Tips for New Runners

10 Tips for New Runners

As this unprecedented crisis has led to a surge of people no doubt new to running, I thought I'd write a post with my top tips for new runners. One positive about the current lock-down in the UK, is that we can still get outside in the fresh air for one bit of exercise each day. This has led to an increase in people running outside, especially as the gyms are now closed and the weather is getting better. I...Read More
Manchester Marathon: Postponed

Manchester Marathon: Postponed

So yesterday, the inevitable happened. In the midst of the corona virus craze, the Manchester Marathon, for which I have been training for months, was postponed. At the moment we don't know when it will be postponed to and I'm not sure if I'll even be able to run it, as I'm worried it may clash with my planned trip to Machu Picchu later this year. To say I'm gutted is an understatement. The marathon training has taken over months...Read More
Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: Z for Ziegelwiese Parkrun!

Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: Z for Ziegelwiese Parkrun!

So last year, I started getting involved in the Parkrun Alphabet Challenge, with the aim of completing a different Parkrun for every letter of the alphabet.  This year, the alphabet challenge has taken a bit of a back seat, due to marathon training. However so far this year, I have still managed to fit in Nobles Parkrun (Isle of Mann) in January and, most recently, Ziegelwiese Parkrun in Germany.  I have now completed 68 Parkruns in 21 locations, including 15...Read More
Marathon Training: 10 Essential Items you need during training

Marathon Training: 10 Essential Items you need during training

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  Training for a marathon can be hard work, but there are some things that can make the gruelling training schedule a little easier. There are several items that have helped me during training for my first marathon, so I thought I'd share them below: 1. AfterShokz Headphones These are a recent purchase of mine but my AfterShokz headphones are an absolute life-saver on long marathon training runs. I think, after my Garmin watch (see below),...Read More
Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: Jersey!

Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: Jersey!

Earlier this year, myself and a few others from my run club decided to take part in the Parkrun alphabet challenge. This is basically a challenge to complete a Parkrun for every letter of the alphabet. I love this idea because not only do we get to try some new Parkruns, which keeps it fun and interesting, we also get to see a few new places in the process. We started by doing a few of the different local Parkruns,...Read More
Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: N = Northwich parkrun

Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: N = Northwich parkrun

One of my challenges this year is to start working my way through the Parkrun Alphabet challenge. For me, this is a fun way to try out some new Parkruns, whilst also seeing a bit more of the UK (and world!!) There are quite a few different Parkruns locally to me (within say an hours drive) and so it seems sensible to tick these off the list first. On Saturday, myself and one of my friends from my run club...Read More
Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: Parkrun Tourism

Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: Parkrun Tourism

So... you may know from past posts that I'm pretty much addicted to Parkrun. If you haven't heard of Parkrun, it's a free weekly timed 5k that happens in parks all over the world at 9am on Saturday mornings. I've been going to Parkrun for a couple of years on and off, although last year I went most Saturday's if I could. It's a fantastic way to keep fit and meet other like-minded people and there's just a fab, supportive...Read More

Half Marathon Training with Scoliosis: Training Diary – 9 weeks to go!

Hi everyone, So for my next challenge... I was very lucky enough to secure a place in the ballot of the Great North Run in September! (In Newcastle Upon Tyne) To say I'm excited is an understatement. This is a huge race and a massive event in the running community. Soooo... I need to up my training that's for sure. At the beginning of this year, I got a half marathon PB at the Wrexham Half Marathon (2hrs 2 mins!)...Read More