Scoliosis and Mental Health: My Story

Scoliosis and Mental Health: My Story

It's World Mental Health Day on 10th October, which got me thinking about how scoliosis has impacted my own mental health. What many people don't realise, is that scoliosis is more than a back condition. Depending on severity and location of curve(s), scoliosis can cause physical deformity, pain, neurological issues, breathing, digestive problems, and more. It is also a chronic condition, meaning it cannot be cured and it can also be progressive in severe cases. All this is not to...Read More
Running and Mental Health

Running and Mental Health

Running and Mental Health It's Mental Health Awareness week 14th - 20th May 2018, so to raise awareness I thought I'd write a post on the effect running has had on my own mental health. It's well documented that running can be good for mental health, and everyone has reasons why they run. For some it's to lose weight, keep fit or socialise. For others, it's escapism from a stressful job or the strains of everyday life. Personally, I run for...Read More