Preparing for Scoliosis Surgery: From a Caretakers Perspective

Preparing for Scoliosis Surgery: From a Caretakers Perspective

If someone close to you is about to undergo scoliosis surgery, as someone on the “other side” it can be just as daunting to know how best to prepare and what to expect. For this special blog post, I have teamed up with Sanna – she has recently been in the caretaker role for her sister, who underwent scoliosis surgery Summer of 2018. She can offer invaluable advice, from a caretaker’s point of view on how to best prepare for...Read More
Scoliosis surgery what to bring to hospital

Scoliosis surgery what to bring to hospital

I get asked a lot what to bring to hospital for scoliosis surgery, so I've compiled a helpful list. I know how stressful it can all be so I've also created a checklist that you can easily download and print - see the link at the end of this post. Below are items that I found useful when I was recovering from scoliosis surgery in hospital but they are probably relevant for any back surgery. I hope you find it...Read More
Preparing for Scoliosis Surgery

Preparing for Scoliosis Surgery

I thought I'd write a post about preparing for scoliosis surgery, as I know that before my surgery it was something I was worried about. It was difficult to know what I should be doing and how to prepare. Firstly, I recommend that anyone facing this surgery, as well as their close friends/family members should read Scoliosis Surgery: The Definitive Patient's Reference (3rd Edition). It's a really easy to read book that is written from the perspective of somebody who...Read More