Hello, how’s things?

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I posted on here! Hope that you are well (if there is anyone still reading here)! I just wanted to come on and share a quick update about life and this blog.

Whilst I find blogging incredibly therapeutic, and over the years focusing on this blog has vastly helped my mental health when dealing with scoliosis, over the last year or so I’ve had to take a bit of step away from this blog and creating videos about scoliosis on my YouTube channel.

The truth is, maintaining a consistent stream of ‘content’ on here (and YouTube) is incredibly time-consuming, and whilst I enjoy it, especially helping others with scoliosis, I just haven’t got the same time I used to to focus on it.

When I first started this blog, I wanted it to be more like a diary and something I can use to vent on and share my journey and experiences with scoliosis. Then, over time, it got quite popular, and I felt I had to keep ‘creating content’ to grow. It became almost like a part-time job, and less about helping me deal with my scoliosis and mental health, which over time took the fun out of it for me. I am proud of where it got to though, and that (I hope) sharing my experiences have helped a lot of people and raised awareness of scoliosis – which was always my main goal with this blog.

The reason I am taking a step back now though is that I have started a business creating marketing courses for small businesses and working on this now pretty much fills my evenings and weekends. As a result, I haven’t got the time to focus on both that and this blog at the moment, as I’m also working full time!

At one point, I thought I could turn this blog into a business, leave my job and work on it full time. But I do think this would take the fun out of things for me, as this is hobby. So instead, I decided to help others through teaching marketing courses – something I am also passionate about 🙂

But what this means is that my scoliosis blogging can go back to being more personal to me, rather than trying to ‘grow’ ‘optimise posts’ and generate more views to my blog through content. Instead, I can blog when I feel like it, or if I have something to share. And who knows, in the future I may have the time to start blogging on here more frequently again!

I would eventually like to create a book about my experiences with scoliosis, but again, like all of my scoliosis related projects, for me, it is never about making money, but about sharing my experiences and helping/inspiring others. Anything else just doesn’t feel right to me.

Of course, I will still be here and will still blog occasionally, but I mainly create scoliosis related content and share my experiences over on TikTok and Instagram now, so if you would like to keep up with what I’m doing, feel free to follow me over there.

A huge thank you to ANYONE who has read my blog over the years and supported me, it means a huge lot.


Louise xx

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