Walking the South West Coast Path

Walking the South West Coast Path

Walking the South West Coast Path: My experiences Ever since my experience of trekking the Great Wall of China last year, I have wanted to go on another trekking holiday. Not only do I love walking and hiking, I also find it helps my back whilst keeping me fit. Plus it's a great way to relax and reflect. So this year, I decided to push myself (again!) and my friend and I took on the South West Coast path in...Read More
Trekking the Great Wall of China: What to wear

Trekking the Great Wall of China: What to wear

This post contains affiliate links If you've been following my blog for a while, you may know that last year I took part in a trek across the Great Wall of China to raise some much needed money for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund. Since then, I have been asked on several occasions about what to take and wear whilst trekking the Great Wall, so I thought I'd put a bit of a post together based on my own experiences. Trekking the...Read More
Wow… I’ve raised £1,420 for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund!

Wow… I’ve raised £1,420 for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund!

Hi everyone, Just a quick post to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored me for my Great Wall of China Trek. I managed to raise an amazing £1,420 (including gift aid) for the Scoliosis campaign fund!!! My fundraising page is closing tomorrow so if anyone would like to make a last minute donation there’s still time 😊... it means so much to me that I managed to complete the trek and raise so much money for a charity close...Read More
Great Wall of China Trek: Day 5 – Badaling section

Great Wall of China Trek: Day 5 – Badaling section

So we're now onto day 5, the final day of the trek and my final post about my Great Wall of China trek for scoliosis. In case you are new to my blog or have missed any posts, I’m blogging about my Great Wall of China trek that I did to raise money for the Scoliosis Campaign fund a few weeks ago. If you want to catch up, you can check out my other posts below… Great Wall of China Trek: Day...Read More
Great Wall of China Trek Day 4: Huanghuacheng

Great Wall of China Trek Day 4: Huanghuacheng

Hi everyone, I'm slowly making my way through blogging about my Great Wall of China trek that I did to raise money for the Scoliosis Campaign fund a few weeks ago. If you want to catch up, check out the posts below... Great Wall of China Trek: Day 1 – Jinshanling Loop Great Wall of China Trek: Day 2 – Gubeikou Section Great Wall of China Trek: Day 3 – Mutianyu section By doing this trek, I have managed to...Read More
Great Wall of China Trek: Day 3 – Mutianyu section

Great Wall of China Trek: Day 3 – Mutianyu section

Hi everyone, After posting about day 1 and day 2 of my Great Wall of China trek last week, I've finally had chance to sit down and write day 3. It still doesn't feel real like I actually did it! I'm so pleased that by doing this trek I have managed to raise OVER £1,000 for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund! I’m going to leave my sponsor page open for donations until the end of November, so if you’d like to donate and support...Read More
Great Wall of China Trek: Day 1 – Jinshanling Loop

Great Wall of China Trek: Day 1 – Jinshanling Loop

Hi guys! Well I'm back from China and what a fabulous experience it was. I wanted to write a blog post each day I was there but I didn't have my laptop in China and so I thought I'd write a day by day update now I'm back. Overall, I had an amazing time and met some truly inspirational people, who all had personal challenges to overcome. Fitness wise, it was challenging but surprisingly I didn't find it too bad....Read More
My Great Wall of China Trek is Tomorrow!!!

My Great Wall of China Trek is Tomorrow!!!

Hi Just a quick post tonight! I cannot believe that my Great Wall of China trek for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund is tomorrow. I'm so nervous it's unbelievable. I have been packing and stressing tonight and I'm worried that I have forgotten to pack something. I'm also worried about what's to come and because I'm going by myself. Eeek! It's totally outside of my comfort zone. It's also quite exciting though and I'm looking forward to seeing China and pushing...Read More
Great Wall of China Trek – 2 weeks to go!

Great Wall of China Trek – 2 weeks to go!

Hi everyone :) I can't believe my trek on the Great Wall of China for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund is less than 2 weeks away... where is this year going?! If you'd like to sponsor me and help me to raise money for those affected by scoliosis, you can do so here. :) In back related news, I had an MRI scan last week to try and find the cause of my leg numbness. I'm quite worried about this because at the...Read More
4 days in Amsterdam!

4 days in Amsterdam!

4 days in Amsterdam So this is a non-scoliosis related post (sorry!) But I have just got back from 4 days in Amsterdam with a friend and thought I'd write a post about what we got up to. It was our first time in Amsterdam and I have to say, I really enjoyed it! Amsterdam is a very pretty city with endless canals, and is fairly relaxed in parts. That being said, other parts (i.e the Red Light District) are...Read More
Fundraising for Scoliosis: Great Wall of China Trek!

Fundraising for Scoliosis: Great Wall of China Trek!

I apologise for the lack of posts recently, I haven't been able to post as much due to holidays and general life busyness. However, I thought I'd write a quick update about my next big adventure! After the success of the British 10K, I'm continuing to fund raise for scoliosis by undertaking a MASSIVE personal challenge. In October, I'll be taking on a 9 day trek of the Great Wall of China in order to raise funds for the Scoliosis...Read More
3 Days in Rome!

3 Days in Rome!

I've just got back from an amazing 3 days in Rome for my birthday and thought I'd share what I got up to :-) We arrived late at night and so checked into the hotel and basically just went to sleep, as we were tired from a day of travelling! We had also booked onto a full day Vatican Museum and Colloseum tour the next day which started early (8am), so we needed to get some rest in preparation. Day...Read More
Travelling with Scoliosis: My 5 Top Tips

Travelling with Scoliosis: My 5 Top Tips

This post contains affiliate links. It's my birthday next week and I'm off to Rome! (SO excited!) Anyway, it got me thinking about travelling with scoliosis. I LOVE to travel and I am lucky enough to have travelled to some amazing places since I had my scoliosis surgery. I don't let my scoliosis stop me from going anywhere or doing anything. In fact, it makes me more determined to see as many places as possible. I have survived many long...Read More