My 2023 Goals

My 2023 Goals

Hi everyone and Happy New Year! I hope that you had a fantastic festive period, whatever that looked liked to you. :) As it's the start of another new year, I thought I would do post on my 2023 goals, as I like to use this time of year to reflect on the previous year, and set goals for the year ahead. I set a few goals in 2022, but they were nowhere near as crazy as previous years in...Read More
Reflections and Goal Setting for 2022!

Reflections and Goal Setting for 2022!

Hi Everyone! Hope you all managed to enjoy Christmas, despite the ongoing pandemic. So, it's that time of year again - where I like to reflect on the year that has gone, and start setting some goals for the year ahead. This year (for once) I didn't set any crazy big goals, as this time last year things were very uncertain. We were in the middle of a pandemic, and I was having my own personal health issues, as well...Read More
Happy New Year: Goal Setting for 2021.

Happy New Year: Goal Setting for 2021.

I wanted to write a quick post to wish my readers and followers a very Happy New Year. Lets hope that 2021 is better than 2020 for all of us! I for one have mixed feelings about 2021. With the pandemic not going away any time soon, it's hard to know what to expect for the New Year. The area I live is still in a strict Tier 3 (edit - now Tier 4!), meaning we cannot mix indoors and...Read More
2020: Things didn’t quite go to plan!

2020: Things didn’t quite go to plan!

So... 2020 was an "interesting" year to say the least wasn't it? When I wrote my goals for 2020 back in January, I definitely couldn't have predicted how this year would turn out. Reading them back now, it feels like a different life. I have always been very determined and in 2019, I crammed my year full of running, challenges and travel. To be honest, I had high hopes for 2020. As it marked 10 years since my scoliosis surgery,...Read More
Hello July! Lockdown Diaries

Hello July! Lockdown Diaries

Well here we are in July. We've survived another month of lockdown in the UK. Month 3! Who'd have thought it? As these are strange yet interesting times, I wanted to write about how things are for me at the moment, whilst also taking part in the July Linkup from a Chronic Voice for a bit of inspiration. This involves writing my thoughts around several writing prompts. This month, the prompts are: Bothering, Demanding, Nourishing, Telecommunicating and Tolerating. Bothering I...Read More
My 2020 Challenges: Manchester Marathon & Machu Picchu

My 2020 Challenges: Manchester Marathon & Machu Picchu

This year marks 10 years since I had life-changing surgery on my spine to correct my scoliosis. I had scoliosis surgery on July 29th 2010. I’m fused T3 to L3, which basically means that pretty much my whole spine is fused apart from 3 discs at the bottom. Following my surgery, it took me over a year to fully recover and I had to learn the basics again such as walking and getting out of bed. It was a very painful...Read More
My 2020 Goals

My 2020 Goals

Happy New Year all! I wanted to reflect back on my 2019 goals and share where I'm at for 2020 (wow!) I'm really proud of everything I achieved in 2019, I managed to run four half marathons, including the Great North Run, which was definitely a highlight of the year. In one of those I got a PB of 2.02, so although I didn't achieve my goal of sub 2, I was pretty close and very proud of that. In...Read More
A single 6 months: goal review

A single 6 months: goal review

In all honestly, the last few months have been pretty rough for me. I have been struggling quite a lot with anxiety following the end of a toxic relationship and I’ll be honest, I have found myself dangerously close to a bad place. However, I have decided to take control and to use this time alone as a period of reflection, to really focus on myself and my goals and get to know myself and what I want out of...Read More
February Overview: Goals completed…what’s next?

February Overview: Goals completed…what’s next?

Apologies for the lack of posts, it’s been a crazy busy couple of months. I’ve been working hard on my running and fitness though and trying to achieve all my 2019 goals! So…what have I been up to? Goal – Complete 50 Park Runs and Park Run Tourism Hereford Park Run Since January, I have completed 7 Park Runs and I’m now on 45 in total, so I'm very close to my 50 goal! As another one of my goals...Read More
Happy New Year – Goals for 2019 :)

Happy New Year – Goals for 2019 :)

Firstly, a little late but I just wanted to wish my readers a very happy new year! This time of year is always a difficult one for many, including myself. I tend to reflect a lot around this time and also worry about what is ahead. 2018 was a difficult year for me in many respects but it was also a very positive one, it was definitely a year of growth. I achieved so many amazing things I never thought...Read More
6 month goal review

6 month goal review

So it's July already, which means that half the year has gone... nooooo! It always makes me panic how fast time goes, and the fact that it is now July has got me thinking about my goals I set back in January and where I'm up to with them. I thought I'd write a quick post to sum up what I've achieved in the last 6 months, and what I'd like to achieve in the next 6 months. (It's more...Read More
January Round-Up: Goals and achievements

January Round-Up: Goals and achievements

Well I can't believe that January is over, in some ways, it's felt like the longest month ever... in other ways, it's gone super fast. I thought I'd do a quick post to round up January and summarise what I have achieved this month, as part of my overall goals for 2018. January Round-Up: Goals and achievements In some ways, January has been a difficult month for me. At the back end of last year, my long term relationship of...Read More
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Firstly, I would like to wish all my readers a Happy New Year :-) I cannot believe that it is 2018, seriously where is the time going? I always use this time of year to set myself some goals for the year ahead as I find it really helps to motivate me. I also look back at the previous year and reflect on what I've achieved. If you have been following my blog, you'll know that 2017...Read More
Happy New Year (and a plea!)

Happy New Year (and a plea!)

I just wanted to write a quick post to wish anyone who might read my blog a very happy 2017! I still can't believe 2017 is here (seriously HOW did that happen?) last year went so fast. So it's around this time of year that I always get reflective, where am I going? What am I doing? What is the purpose of life? etc etc. I also look back at the previous year and what I have achieved. In terms...Read More

Happy New Year!

So it's an end of another year and a chance to reflect on the past 12 months.This time last year I was still signed off work following my scoliosis surgery, on alot of painkillers and wondering if my life would ever be normal again. Last New Years Eve I stayed in because I couldn't face the large crowds, the pain, the possibility of there being nowhere to sit and not being able to have a drink on my painkillers. This New...Read More