13 years post scoliosis surgery: scoliosis Q&A

13 years post scoliosis surgery: scoliosis Q&A

Hello everyone, July marked 13 years since my scoliosis spinal fusion surgery. To celebrate this milestone, I've created a YouTube scoliosis Q&A video, where I answer questions from my followers on Instagram and TikTok, about what my life is like 13 years post-op. Scoliosis can be a daunting and life-altering diagnosis, especially when diagnosed as a teenager like myself. My personal experience of spinal fusion surgery took me on a path of resilience and taught me a great deal about...Read More
Should I Have Scoliosis Surgery?

Should I Have Scoliosis Surgery?

Hi everyone! The most common question I get asked is ‘Should I have scoliosis surgery?” So I wanted to dedicate a blog post and YouTube video around this topic, to give my honest experiences, and hopefully help people who may be in the position of deciding whether to have scoliosis surgery or not. Every case of scoliosis is different and so I can’t really answer that question for other people. However, I can give some of my own reasons as...Read More
Preparing for Scoliosis Surgery: From a Caretakers Perspective

Preparing for Scoliosis Surgery: From a Caretakers Perspective

If someone close to you is about to undergo scoliosis surgery, as someone on the “other side” it can be just as daunting to know how best to prepare and what to expect. For this special blog post, I have teamed up with Sanna – she has recently been in the caretaker role for her sister, who underwent scoliosis surgery Summer of 2018. She can offer invaluable advice, from a caretaker’s point of view on how to best prepare for...Read More
7 Years Post Op

7 Years Post Op

Well, I can't believe that on Saturday I will be 7 YEARS post my scoliosis surgery!!! Time really does fly. I always feel reflective around this time as I think about what I went through and how far I've come.  So, to celebrate the 7 year anniversary of my titanium spine, I thought I'd write a post to sum up what life is like for me 7 years post op. How is my back at 7 years post op? The...Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Day 2017: My Scoliosis Story

Scoliosis Awareness Day 2017: My Scoliosis Story

Scoliosis Awareness Day 2017: My Scoliosis Story It's International Scoliosis Awareness day on Saturday and so I thought it would be a good time to share my own scoliosis story. In July, it will be 7 years since I had my scoliosis surgery. I was diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis back in 2000 when I was 14 years old. My parents had noticed that I had one shoulder higher than the other and took me to the Dr's to check...Read More
5 Reasons to Love your Scars

5 Reasons to Love your Scars

My scoliosis surgery left me with a huge scoliosis scar which runs down the length of my back. I for one am extremely proud of my scar and I never try to hide it. For me, my scar highlights what I have gone through and how far I have come in my battle with scoliosis. If you have a scoliosis scar, or any other kind of scar, you too should be proud of what it represents. Here are my 5...Read More
Scoliosis surgery what to bring to hospital

Scoliosis surgery what to bring to hospital

I get asked a lot what to bring to hospital for scoliosis surgery, so I've compiled a helpful list. I know how stressful it can all be so I've also created a checklist that you can easily download and print - see the link at the end of this post. Below are items that I found useful when I was recovering from scoliosis surgery in hospital but they are probably relevant for any back surgery. I hope you find it...Read More
6 years post op

6 years post op

I've been meaning to write this post since July because on 29th July 2016, I was 6 YEARS post my scoliosis surgery. I really can't believe that it has been six whole years, it really doesn't feel like it.. time goes way too fast!!Anyways, I thought I would write a quick update on how I'm feeling 6 years on, as it may interest those waiting for surgery or in the early stages of recovery. Generally, six years on, my back...Read More
5 #SpinalFusionProblems

5 #SpinalFusionProblems

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% glad that I had scoliosis surgery and now, six years on, I'm definitely better off than I was before. However, if you've had scoliosis surgery (and have a long fusion like me) you may be able to identify with some of these 5 awkward #spinalfusionproblems... 1. Pulling a muscle trying to paint your toenails (or fasten your strappy sandals!) Photo by Lum3n from Pexels It's not that I CAN'T paint my toenails or fasten my strappy sandals,...Read More
5 years post op

5 years post op

So this week it is five whole years since my scoliosis surgery. My life is very different from this time five years ago and it got me thinking about how far I've come since my surgery. If anyone reading this is currently facing the prospect of scoliosis surgery, or are in the early stages of recovery, I just want to reassure you that it DOES get easier and you WILL be able to achieve things post surgery you never thought...Read More

Happy New Year – 2014!

A bit late now I guess but Happy New Year! I wanted to write a bit of an update on me and how my back is doing now I'm 3 1/2 years post op. Flexibility wise my back is the best it's been since surgery and bending to pick things up off the floor, rolling over in bed and things like that no longer seem to be an issue for me, which if you'd told me that at around 3 months post...Read More

3 years post op!

Today I am three years post op from my scoliosis surgery and I really can't believe how fast that time has gone. So much has changed in the last three years and I've come so far, I am now very busy studying an MSc course whilst working full time - hence why I havent updated my blog for a while! I've been so busy getting an assignment done this month that I almost forgot that it was my three year...Read More

Scoliosis scar: 2 years 8 months post op

Here's a picture of my scoliosis scar at 2 years 8 months post op, as you can see its faded quite a bit. I thought I'd take a picture now to show those facing surgery, or those at the beginning of their recovery, what the scar can look like later on during recovery. I get asked quite a bit about how my scar looks so.. there you go!
10 tips for Scoliosis Pain Relief

10 tips for Scoliosis Pain Relief

This post contains affiliate links Luckily, since my scoliosis surgery I don't get too many bad pain days. In winter, the cold weather tends to cause an achy type pain and extra stiffness in my lower back, which for some reason I've noticed even more since my surgery. This is one of the reasons I detest winter, that and fear of slipping on icy ground. During winter, you'll usually find me with a hot water bottle or heat pad permanently...Read More


So it's nearly the end of another year and it's got me thinking about how good of a year it's been for my back and all the things I've managed to do. At the start of the year I was still doing physio, my back still felt weak and stiff and I was scared of doing things which might cause damage. As the year progressed, I found myself gaining more strength and more confidence to push myself as I began...Read More