Scoliosis Symptoms

Scoliosis Symptoms

What are the symptoms of Scoliosis? The thing about scoliosis is, when it first starts to develop, especially in children, often there aren’t any symptoms. It’s often only when the scoliosis starts to progress to a level where intervention is needed, that scoliosis is noticed. This is why early detection is crucial, as the sooner it is spotted, the better the outcome often is for treatment.  Scoliosis affects everyone differently and the symptoms can vary, depending on the type of...Read More
Interview with Hannah at Scoliboxes

Interview with Hannah at Scoliboxes

Hi everyone, In this post I interview Hannah, who runs the non-profit organisation Scoliboxes. I first came across Hannah on Instagram, and I think it's amazing what she does! Hannah sends out boxes full of useful items and treats, to help cheer people up who are undergoing scoliosis surgery. If you are having scoliosis surgery, or if you know of somebody who may be facing scoliosis surgery soon, don't forget to apply for a Scolibox. You can read more about...Read More
New! Life with Scoliosis Merchandise

New! Life with Scoliosis Merchandise

Hello everyone, I just wanted to write a quick post to let you know that I have launched a brand new range of Scoliosis Awareness products on Teespring and Redbubble. Available products include t-shirts, vests, hoodies, mugs and bags. So please feel free to check out my store :) I will be adding more designs over the coming weeks and months, so please do check back. Also, if you have any ideas for future designs, or any feedback, please let...Read More
5 signs of scoliosis to look out for

5 signs of scoliosis to look out for

June is scoliosis awareness month, so I thought I'd write a post about some common signs of scoliosis. Every case of scoliosis is different, and the physical symptoms can vary depending on the size and location of the curve(s). However, there are some common signs to look out for. As scoliosis typically develops when a child is growing (most commonly between the ages of 10-15), it's important to look out for the signs as soon as possible. This is because,...Read More
5 Fast Facts about Scoliosis

5 Fast Facts about Scoliosis

June is scoliosis awareness month and to mark the occasion, I have spent my Saturday using my new found photoshop skills to create a scoliosis infographic. There are so many incorrect scoliosis facts out there and so I wanted to create something that can be easily shared to raise awareness. 5 Fast Facts about Scoliosis In 8 out of 10 cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown. Scoliosis most commonly develops between the ages of 10 and 15.5 out of...Read More
Yoga for Scoliosis

Yoga for Scoliosis

Yoga for Scoliosis: Benefits Since my scoliosis surgery, Yoga is something I have been afraid of and in the past, actively avoided. Because I have scoliosis and a fused spine, I automatically thought "I'm not bendy enough" and dismissed it. I have been to the odd Yoga class here and there but struggled with some of the moves, which initially put me off.  However, since I have gotten into running, and more specifically, started marathon training, I have found Yoga...Read More
Inspiring Scoliosis Instagram Accounts: My Top 10

Inspiring Scoliosis Instagram Accounts: My Top 10

Inspired by my own Instagram obsession, I thought I'd list my top Scoliosis Instagram Accounts to follow.  I must admit, I am a little addicted to Instagram at the moment! Apart from Pinterest, Instagram is the main social platform that I use to try and raise awareness of this blog and scoliosis in general (shameless plug - you can follow me on Instagram here!) The thing about Instagram is, it can be incredibly inspiring IF you follow the right accounts....Read More
10 Gift Ideas for those with Chronic Back Pain

10 Gift Ideas for those with Chronic Back Pain

As Christmas is approaching, I thought I’d put together a quick post with some gift ideas if you are buying for somebody who suffers with scoliosis or any kind of chronic back pain. These are just a few things that have helped me over the years and may make a thoughtful gift if you are struggling with what to get. Of course, the usual treats like chocolate and perfume also work well :) 10 Gift Ideas for Chronic Back Pain...Read More
Active Posture: Review

Active Posture: Review

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post but I was gifted the Active Posture 2.0 shirt to try. All thoughts and opinions are my own and this review has not been influenced by the company. Active Posture Clothing: Review I was recently contacted by a company called Active Posture - they had read my blog and thought that myself and my readers might benefit from trying their Active Posture 2.0 shirt. Personally, I had never heard of posture clothing but...Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2017

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2017

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2017 June is scoliosis awareness month, so to help raise some much needed awareness I have created the below graphic for you to share. Scoliosis: Know the signs! Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine affecting 200 million people worldwide. In most cases, scoliosis first presents itself in young teenagers (it is more common in girls). It's important to know the signs of scoliosis and to check children's backs regularly, especially during the ages of 10-15. This...Read More
10 facts about scoliosis that may surprise you

10 facts about scoliosis that may surprise you

June is scoliosis awareness month, so to help raise awareness, I thought I'd write a post with some interesting facts about scoliosis. 10 facts about scoliosis that may surprise you Scoliosis is more common than you think! It is estimated that scoliosis affects 200 million people worldwide. So if you have scoliosis, you are most certainly not alone. Around eight in 10 people who have scoliosis have idiopathic scoliosis, which has no known cause. This type of scoliosis most commonly...Read More
Scoliosis Books: 4 books you should read if you have scoliosis

Scoliosis Books: 4 books you should read if you have scoliosis

This post contains affiliate links. Scoliosis Books: 4 Books you should read if you have scoliosis 1. Scoliosis Surgery: The Definitive Patient's Reference by David Wolpert I talk about this book a lot on this blog. That's because when I was deciding whether I should have scoliosis surgery this book really helped me. It helped me to understand the facts, which helped me to prepare. It's written by someone who has been through the surgery and describes in fantastic detail: What...Read More
Pilates for Scoliosis: Review of Curves, Twists and Bends

Pilates for Scoliosis: Review of Curves, Twists and Bends

This post contains affiliate links I recently purchased the above book from Amazon "Curves, Twists and Bends: A Practical Guide to Pilates with Scoliosis" and thought I'd share my honest opinion. Pilates is something I've always wanted to get into, as I know it's important for me to have a strong core. I have been to the odd Pilates class over the years but I've always left feeling underwhelmed. The issues I've had with Pilates classes are: Some Pilates exercises...Read More

Scoliosis Infographic: Facts about scoliosis

[caption id="attachment_149" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Scoliosis Infographic: Facts about Scoliosis[/caption] I thought I'd share this useful scoliosis infographic with you, which highlights some some helpful facts about scoliosis. I found it really interesting as I have myself have Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.  Hope this helps. Please feel free to share on social media to help raise awareness of scoliosis! Louise :) X
Inspirational Scoliosis Quotes

Inspirational Scoliosis Quotes

When I was recovering from scoliosis surgery, reading and sharing inspirational quotes helped me to stay positive. Here are a collection of some of my favourite quotes that I think relate well to scoliosis, scoliosis surgery, pain and recovery. Please feel free to share any of these quotes on social media or your own blogs :-) Scoliosis Recovery Quotes  You can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain. You never know how strong you are, until being strong...Read More