10 Gift Ideas for those with Chronic Back Pain

Gifts for those with back pain

As Christmas is approaching, I thought I’d put together a quick post with some gift ideas if you are buying for somebody who suffers with scoliosis or any kind of chronic back pain.

These are just a few things that have helped me over the years and may make a thoughtful gift if you are struggling with what to get. Of course, the usual treats like chocolate and perfume also work well 🙂

10 Gift Ideas for Chronic Back Pain


1. A memory foam mattress / mattress topper

My memory foam mattress (and topper, yes I have both!) is one of the best things I have invested in for my back. Memory foam mattresses can be expensive, but you can pick up a memory foam topper fairly cheaply these days from Amazon, or on the high street in places like Wilkinsons, Ikea or any home store.

A memory foam topper can really improve comfort and help back pain over time – I know I really notice a difference when I sleep in beds without one.

2. Posture Clothing

Gift Idea for those with chronic back pain - Active Posture Shirt

Posture Clothing such as the Active Posture shirt, activates muscle memory to help you achieve an improved, upright posture. Active Posture has a wide range of posture shirts and bras for women that suffer from pain and tension in their back, neck or shoulders. Posture clothing can really help with improving back pain, and therefore makes a thoughtful gift for anyone with back troubles.

Check out my review of the Active Posture shirt or visit the Active Posture website for gift ideas. Plus, if you use my discount code louise10 you will get an extra 10% off. 🙂

3. Massage products

Massage products such as massage balls and massage chairs can really help alleviate and provide some relief for back pain, as well as making a fun gift.

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I really like the look of this Accupressure mat and pillow set and may try one of these for myself actually!

4. Hot water bottle / heat pads /heated products

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, my hot water bottle is my best friend! I find heat really helps when I have a bad pain day, as most pain I get is muscular and it feels so good.

There are loads of novelty heat products around this time of year, such as heated pads, heated stuffed animals and novelty hot water bottles.

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I like the look of this heated neck and shoulder wrap, it sounds like bliss.


5. Membership to a Yoga or Pilates class

Yoga and/or Pilates can be fantastic if you suffer with chronic back pain, so a gift relating to Yoga or Pilates would be great and is something that could really help longer term.

Ideas can include, membership to a yoga/Pilates class, or even a yoga mat, fitness ball or yoga dvd/books.

6. Pain Relief (TENS machine)

Depending on the severity of the pain, a TENS machine may help. I haven’t tried one of these myself, but I know people with back pain who have.

7. Memory foam cushion / cushions

I absolutely love cushions, my flat is surrounded by them and I always have at least two behind me when I’m sat on the sofa, in the car or anywhere really! As I can’t slouch due to my spinal fusion, I find it is more comfortable to sit with a cushion behind me. There are loads of cute cushions about, but I would thoroughly recommend a memory foam cushion which you can take around with you.

[amazon_link asins=’B00EDLUT8A,B075RF5S2L,B01IE8EHIA,B00KKK1VHQ,B07547NVBZ,B06XKD4K4Y,B007L6K8M6′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’livinwithscol-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’8be2890c-faf9-11e8-86cc-2d47ed2c4d4f’]

8. Spa day / leisure centre vouchers

Sometimes it’s just nice to be pampered, whether you suffer with back pain or not. I love visiting the spa and sitting in a Jacuzzi or heated pool. Jacuzzi bubbles feel like bliss on my back. A spa day voucher can be a really nice and thoughtful gift idea.

9. Memory Foam Skechers

I have some memory foam Skechers and I literally wear them all the time. I have noticed a huge difference in my lower back pain when I wear them. They really help to take the pressure off, especially if I’m walking round all day.

[amazon_link asins=’B01LZDYR7N,B01AHK3UZY,B01G72Q1DE,B01N3R3R1M,B01NAWBMK1′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’livinwithscol-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’8adeca28-faf8-11e8-9f9a-6d59c4b5b6b7′]

10. Bath Spa

I would love one of these! And if I had one, I probably wouldn’t leave the bath… I haven’t tried it out myself but a bath spa will turn your bath into a jacuzzi which will help to ease sore and painful muscles. I think this would be a fab gift for someone with back pain as I absolutely LOVE spending time in the jacuzzi when I visit a spa, as it just feels so good on my back.

I also think products which help to ease comfort when sat in the bath would be good too, like a bath pillow. As I personally find sitting in the bath for long quite painful and uncomfortable since my fusion.

[amazon_link asins=’B01NCUU2CZ,B018NUIMEE,B07KJYPDDG,B0168KA3NO,B075TFJ1QJ,B0058MDYNU,B078TK1JJX’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’livinwithscol-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’01e3bc5c-fafa-11e8-9128-49ab20745e2a’]

So there are a few ideas based on the things that have helped me over the years or things I would like to try.

Of course everyone is different and some of these things won’t suit everyone, as it depends on pain levels and how active people are.

I would love to know if anyone has any other gift ideas that may help those with back pain? Obviously wine and chocolate is a given 😀

Let me know your ideas in the comments below 🙂

Merry Christmas!

Louise X

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10 Gift Ideas for those with Chronic Back Pain

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