Lockdown Diaries: Week 3

We have just finished week 3 in lockdown, so I thought I’d document some of the highlights of what I got up to, so I can remember years from now. Plus, writing is therapeutic to me and helps me to cope during a pretty unnerving time.
During lockdown, I’m lucky enough to be able to work from, which I do in the daytime Monday – Friday. So most of my activities below I do in the evening after work – I try to get out once a day for the government allotted exercise, whether that is a run or walk.
The weather has been really nice and warm recently so we are lucky that we can still get out and enjoy the sunshine.
I’ve been trying where possible to find isolated routes to run round, although it can be difficult living in a housing estate! I’ve found some nice country lanes though which are about a mile away. They are proving therapeutic to run down while also being socially isolated, winner.
I didn’t do too much today, apart from working all day from home and then doing a Joe Wicks Kettlebells workout and some Yoga via YouTube in the evening. Really trying to keep up the strength training through all of this, although I do miss my bodypump classes. I’m trying to do Yoga everyday at the moment, which is really helping with managing my anxiety and stress but hopefully having a positive impact on my body and back too.

Tonight I took part in a challenge I spotted over on Instagram to raise money for the NHS. The idea is to run 5K, donate £5 and nominate 5 people to take part. So after work, I went out and ran a 5K and then donated my £5.
So far they have raised over £2 million for the NHS – amazing!

Tonight, we treated ourselves to a fish and chip takeaway (sssh!) Even though all of the restaurants are closed, some places are still doing takeaway food and one of our local chippies is no exception. So that was a nice mid-week treat.
After this, some of my friends from my run club organised a quiz via Zoom, which we took part in while sipping a cold glass of wine. We all had a theme each and came up with questions for our round. It was a lot of fun and nice to see my running friends again, even if it was virtually. We are so lucky that we have all this technology available to us, I’m so grateful for this and I love seeing the innovative ways people are staying in touch.
Not too much to report today, apart from work and then a nice isolated 5 mile run round the country lanes in the evening. The weather was nice so the sky was really pretty, It’s important to appreciate the little things at the moment.

So it was Easter weekend which meant bank holiday and a nice day off work! I tried out a new class today (virtually of course) called Body Balance. This is a Les Mills class that has been made available to me for free by my gym and is a bit like Yoga with some Tai Chi thrown in, it’s quite difficult!.
In the day I mostly did blog work, and also went for a 5 mile walk as it was so sunny! Then in the evening I had a nice cold beer and catch up with friends via Zoom!
This morning I went out and did a “fake Parkrun,” as Saturday is usually Parkrun day. I do miss Parkrun so much!! 🙁
Anyway, it was a hot day so it wasn’t easy. Also, because it was Saturday, hot and mid-morning, there were people EVERYWHERE.
This was a bit frustrating, as it can be hard to avoid people and leave enough space. Mostly I try to run on the road. Because of this, I think I need to go much earlier / later in future.
As it was a warm day, after this, I sat in the sun for most of the afternoon which was nice and relaxing. I then did some Yoga and then worked on the blog in the evening with a nice glass of wine.
Today was mostly spent working on the blog!
After yesterdays annoying run, I decided to go out much later for my run and see what the situation was.
So I left it until about 8pm at night after it had gone dark. This was so much better as there was literally nobody about. The only problem is, it’s a pain waiting round all day and I’d rather just get it out of the way earlier.
During my run I saw a lighted up NHS sign which was nice. Loads of people are showing support to the NHS at the moment by putting signs and rainbows in their windows which is lovely. They’ve even painted a thank you on the road outside the local hospital which is so amazing. I love seeing how everyone is coming together to support each other during this time.
After the run I carried on with blog stuff until quite late.
MON (Bank holiday)
As Monday was bank holiday I had another day off work (yay!)
So again, I was working on the blog! The highlight of today was a virtual 1:1 yoga session, which I had with a lady I met a few months ago who specialises in Yoga and Scoliosis.
That lasted around an hour and was very beneficial. 🙂
Final Thoughts
So that’s an average week of my lockdown life.
I’m actually getting used to it now and it’s a more relaxed way of life. The only bit which causes me anxiety at the moment is trips to the supermarket.
Mainly because it’s probably the most risk we have of contracting coronavirus, and people just don’t seem to follow the rules and leave you enough space.
People come right up behind you or go the wrong way around the one way system it’s just annoying. Plus, it feels like a military operation, you cant stop and think about what you want, you have to be quick – get in, get what you need and get out.
It would be nice to run in more varied places as well, I do wish I lived in the countryside right now but it is what it is, and I’m very grateful that I can run at all. i think at the moment, it’s important to appreciate what we have and what we cant do, rather than what we can’t.
I suppose the other thing that causes me anxiety is having life in limbo, not knowing what will happen and obviously missing family and friends.
We have just had lockdown extended for another 3 weeks – minimum. I do feel very fortunate, in the sense that we have technology, and can stay in contact with friends and family, and I can still run which I loved before lockdown. But it would be nice to have the choice to do some different things.
I will try to continue to document my lockdown life – be sure to follow me on Instagram and come back soon.
Stay safe <3
Louise xxx

I had scoliosis surgery in 2010 and blog about my experiences living with scoliosis. My aim is to raise awareness of scoliosis and help and inspire others with the condition.