Park Run Delamere Forest…a new PB!!

Park Run Delamere Forest…a new PB!!

I'm so happy right now! I just came home from my second Park Run at Delamere Forest and I managed to get a new PB! Back in January, I went to my first ever Park Run at Delamere Forest. It was cold, dark, raining and generally bad conditions for running. Despite this though, I still managed to get a time of 33 minutes and I was so proud of myself. I haven't managed to get back to Park Run since...Read More
My First Park Run: Delamere Forest

My First Park Run: Delamere Forest

I've been meaning to go to a Park Run for the last 6 months (since I registered last year). I've been putting it off though, mainly because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to run the full 5K without stopping. I got into running about two years ago now, when a friend invited me to run a 10K Race for Life for Cancer Research. That was my first ever organised race and I had about 5 weeks to...Read More