This may not sound like much but for me this is a big deal.
I’m now 1 year 6 months post op and it’s only really over the past couple of months or so that I’m starting to notice improvements like this.
I’d say I’ve pretty much felt the same between the 1 year post op mark and 1 year 5 months or so and I was worried that I wouldn’t improve much more. That this would be it now. The best I’d ever get.
This to me though is proof that I am still improving. Proof how long this recovery actually is.
I have really noticed that my lower back pain has improved since I started all these core exercises and I’m so happy that I can now do things like sitting up in bed, like I used to before surgery, without log rolling out.
Honestly, I thought I would never do this again. I thought that maybe the rods restricted me from being able to sit up without rolling on my side but it must be weak muscles and now I’m regaining strength in my back muscles things like this are getting so much easier.
Yes, it’s always in the back of my mind that what if I’m doing damage to my back/fusion/metal going to the gym all the time? This thought sometimes takes over and I’m scared to try new things but I’m getting to the point slowly where I’m realising that my back is stronger than I think.
I actually feel like I’m getting my old life back, after all this time.
I had scoliosis surgery in 2010 and blog about my experiences living with scoliosis. My aim is to raise awareness of scoliosis and help and inspire others with the condition.