Parkrun Alphabet Challenge: N = Northwich parkrun

N for Northwich Parkrun

One of my challenges this year is to start working my way through the Parkrun Alphabet challenge. For me, this is a fun way to try out some new Parkruns, whilst also seeing a bit more of the UK (and world!!)

There are quite a few different Parkruns locally to me (within say an hours drive) and so it seems sensible to tick these off the list first.

On Saturday, myself and one of my friends from my run club (who is also doing the challenge!) decided to try out Northwich Parkrun, so we could get our “N.”

I thought that going forwards, as part of this challenge I would write a short “review” of each of the Parkrun’s I complete. So, here goes… Northwich Parkrun!

Northwich Parkrun

Overall, I really enjoyed Northwich Parkrun.

Bearing in mind that I haven’t been to Parkrun in about 6 weeks (before yesterday) and so I was worried that I’d struggle. With this is mind I thought that I would just run at my own pace, and not push it. I want to enjoy running again and not be chasing a PB constantly, which is partly why I thought I’d start up this challenge.

Northwich Parkrun takes part in Carey Park and it’s about 40 mins drive from where I live so not too bad. There is a good car park with loads of spaces right by the start, which is always helpful, although it is £1 to park. There are also no toilets but you can use the ones in the Asda opposite.

The course starts on a narrow track so it takes a while to get going, as you can’t really overtake people.

Northwich parkrun 2

It was also quite muddy and slippy when we went as there had been heavy rain the day before. The course itself was good overall though as it was varied, with a mix of trail and concrete paths with views of the fields and cows. It also goes through a forest at one point (which is again quite a narrow path).

I wouldn’t say it was a PB course due to the parts where you can’t really get past people (and the terrain being mixed/slippy). There were also a couple of hilly bits so it wasn’t flat! 😀

Overall though, I enjoyed the variety and would probably do this one again. Even though we got soaked at the end walking back to the car when it tipped it down!!

Northwich Parkrun - Carey Park

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