My 5 MUST-HAVE items for living with scoliosis and spinal fusion

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Hi everyone,
In this post, I wanted to talk about some of the items I use/have used over the years that have made living with scoliosis and a spinal fusion that bit easier. I will link to the items I use below in case they are useful to anyone.
Now, I can pretty much do anything I want to, however not being able to bend my back does limit me somewhat, and I struggle when I need to bend down. If you haven’t got a spinal fusion, try going a day without bending your back and you’ll see what I mean!
The below items help me feel a bit more comfortable day-to-day. If you have any items you would add to this list, let me know in the comments.
ITEM 1: A shoe horn
Now I put off getting one of these for ages, as I found it a bit embarrassing – I don’t know why, I think I have always associated it with being much older than I am. But honestly, I recently got the exact one below, and it’s really useful.
Putting my shoes on is one thing I struggle with and especially trainers and shoes with laces. I tend to ruin the back of my shoes by squishing my foot into them to avoid having to tie the laces, which I find super awkward.
So the shoehorn makes things a bit easier, and means I will hopefully stop ruining all my shoes. Especially my expensive running trainers! Alternatively, slip on shoes are easier for me, but as I enjoy running I need to wear trainers quite a bit and it can be difficult getting them on sometimes.
ITEM 2: A grabber-thingy
I don’t use my grabber as much these days, but following my scoliosis surgery, this was essential for quite some time. It meant that I could pick things up off the floor without bending down and gave me back some independence.
I still use it now for things that fall in awkward spots that I can’t reach, like under a car seat or something! But I would recommend getting a grabber if you are facing spinal fusion surgery, as it’s an essential item to help with recovery.
ITEM 3: Memory foam cushion
I literally take a cushion everywhere with me, I use the memory foam cushion below on my office chair, in the car and when travelling. I always have a cushion behind me!
I also recently bought this travel memory foam pillow and it was great. It’s very compact so it fit in my hand luggage, but it also was pretty comfy when sat on uncomfortable plane seats.
As a bonus item for this section, I will also add a bath cushion. I’ll admit, I absolutely LOVE a bath but, a bath is not the most comfortable of places if you have a spinal fusion and cant bend your back. I always use a bath cushion to make things more comfortable.
ITEM 4: Memory foam mattress/topper
To be honest, I love anything memory foam. A memory foam mattress helps me feel more comfortable and I always feel less pain/stiffness after sleeping on one than if I don’t. I remember when I first bought a memory foam topper, it was a game changer. If you have scoliosis and you don’t sleep on a memory foam mattress or topper, it’s definitely worth trying!
ITEM 5: Heat Pad
Heat in general is my friend, but I REALLY love my heat pad. I have the one below on my bed and lie on it for about 30 mins before going to sleep. It eases my back pain and feels really comfy.
I also have this heat wrap that wraps around my back, this heated blanket AND a hot water bottle. I find my back pain gets even worse during my time of the month, and these items just make things more bearable.
I hope this post helps someone out there!
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Louise x
If you have scoliosis or a spinal fusion, what items make your life easier? I’d love to hear from you! Let me know in the comments below.

I had scoliosis surgery in 2010 and blog about my experiences living with scoliosis. My aim is to raise awareness of scoliosis and help and inspire others with the condition.