2020: Things didn’t quite go to plan!

2020: Things didn’t quite go to plan!

So... 2020 was an "interesting" year to say the least wasn't it? When I wrote my goals for 2020 back in January, I definitely couldn't have predicted how this year would turn out. Reading them back now, it feels like a different life. I have always been very determined and in 2019, I crammed my year full of running, challenges and travel. To be honest, I had high hopes for 2020. As it marked 10 years since my scoliosis surgery,...Read More
Hello November – Link up with A Chronic Voice

Hello November – Link up with A Chronic Voice

Every month, I try to take part in the link up party with A Chronic Voice, where we get given writing prompts for a blog post. This months' prompts are: Incorporating, Experimenting, Sanitising, Launching and Writing. I like to take part, as it's a chance to reflect on my life, which I find therapeutic, whilst linking up with others' with chronic illnesses and discovering new blogs in the process. Incorporating It's been a strange year for us all, and I...Read More
Stress Awareness Week: The Effects of Covid-19

Stress Awareness Week: The Effects of Covid-19

It's Stress Awareness Week, which got me thinking about stress and how the current pandemic is affecting myself and others at the moment. I've always been a "stressy" person. I pretty much worry about everything, even things that others may class as trivial. I know worrying doesn't get me anywhere half the time but it's part of who I am. I have always been a worrier, even as a child. For people like myself, who worry about trivial things, when...Read More
Hello October – Linkup with A Chronic Voice

Hello October – Linkup with A Chronic Voice

Hello, lovely readers! I realise that I have neglected my blog a bit recently. Ever since the initial lockdown rules were relaxed the "new normal" (hate that phrase) life took over again. I'm still working from home but it's been super busy lately and I've been finding it difficult to find the time I'd like to focus on my blog. However, I wanted to write a bit about my life at the moment, and I thought what better way than...Read More
5 ways to look after your back when working from home

5 ways to look after your back when working from home

As more people are working from home amidst the COVID19 pandemic, looking after your back and minimising resultant back pain is more important than ever. Even if you don't have scoliosis or any pre-existing back conditions, sitting down at a desk all day can cause no end of aches and pains. I've been working from home since mid March and it really does not help my back sitting down all day. I thought I'd share 5 tips that I have...Read More
Hello July! Lockdown Diaries

Hello July! Lockdown Diaries

Well here we are in July. We've survived another month of lockdown in the UK. Month 3! Who'd have thought it? As these are strange yet interesting times, I wanted to write about how things are for me at the moment, whilst also taking part in the July Linkup from a Chronic Voice for a bit of inspiration. This involves writing my thoughts around several writing prompts. This month, the prompts are: Bothering, Demanding, Nourishing, Telecommunicating and Tolerating. Bothering I...Read More
Hello June: Lockdown Diaries

Hello June: Lockdown Diaries

I can't believe another month has flown by, and that we are still in lockdown after 3 months. May was a funny old month where a lot happened but yet didn't. As it's a strange time, I thought I'd reflect on my current thoughts and feelings, while utilising the June linkup party prompts from A Chronic Voice for some inspiration. HOPING Last month, I completed my twopointsix challenge to help raise awareness and funds for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund. This...Read More
2.6 Challenge: Week 4 – COMPLETE!

2.6 Challenge: Week 4 – COMPLETE!

I'm so happy! This week I completed my 2.6 challenge! I'm so proud of myself. I started the 2.6 challenge on Sunday 26th April, to raise awareness and funds for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund. Like many charities, the Scoliosis Campaign Fund has been affected by the cancellation of fundraising events due to COVID19. The 2.6 challenge was launched to save the UK’s charities, and the idea is that people can do any challenge associated with the numbers 2 and/or 6. As...Read More
My 2.6 Challenge: Week 3

My 2.6 Challenge: Week 3

I’ve just finished week THREE of my 2.6 Challenge, so I wanted to write a quick blog post to document my runs over the past week. I started the 2.6 challenge on Sunday 26th April, in a bid to raise awareness and funds for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund. Like many charities, the Scoliosis Campaign Fund has been affected by the cancellation of fundraising events due to COVID19. The 2.6 challenge was launched to save the UK’s charities, and the idea is that people...Read More
My 2.6 Challenge: Week 2

My 2.6 Challenge: Week 2

I've just finished week 2 of my 2.6 Challenge so thought I'd write a blog post to document my runs over the past week. I started the 2.6 challenge on Sunday 26th April, in a bid to raise awareness and funds for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund. Like many charities, the Scoliosis Campaign Fund been affected by the cancellation of fundraising events due to COVID19. The 2.6 challenge was launched to save the UK's charities, and the idea is that people...Read More
Hello May!

Hello May!

We are now in week 6 of lockdown in the UK and so April was not what you'd call a "normal" month! To start off May right, I thought i'd reflect a bit on April and also what I hope to achieve in May, aswell as how I'm feeling right now in the midst of the pandemic, For this post, I'm joining in with the May Link Party on A Chronic Voice and thought I'd use this months prompts for...Read More
My 2.6 Challenge: Week One

My 2.6 Challenge: Week One

This week, on Sunday 26th April, I started my 2.6 challenge, to raise vital funds and awareness of the Scoliosis Campaign Fund. If you are not aware of the 2.6 challenge, basically it is an initiative launched by the organisers of the London Marathon to save the UK's charities. As part of this challenge, I'll be running 2.6 miles, every day, for 26 consecutive days. This week so far, I have ran every day - in rain or shine! Running...Read More
2.6 Challenge and Machu Picchu Trek: UPDATE!

2.6 Challenge and Machu Picchu Trek: UPDATE!

This year marks 10 years since I had life-changing surgery on my spine to correct severe scoliosis. To raise money for the Scoliosis Campaign Fund I was planning on running Manchester Marathon in April this year, as well as completing a charity trek to Machu Picchu in October. As a result of the Coronavirus, the Manchester Marathon has been postponed, although I completed all the training including a 20 mile run just before lockdown! My Machu Picchu trek WILL be...Read More
April 2020 Link Up with A Chronic Voice: Lockdown Life!

April 2020 Link Up with A Chronic Voice: Lockdown Life!

April 2020 Link Up with A Chronic Voice: Lockdown Life! This month, I thought I'd take part in the April 2020 Linkup Party for people with chronic illnesses, over at A Chronic Voice. The link parties are a monthly get together for anyone with a chronic illness/condition.  It's been a funny old month, what with the Coronavirus pandemic forcing the UK into a complete lockdown. So in light of this, I thought I'd use the prompts this month to get...Read More
Lockdown Diaries: Week 3

Lockdown Diaries: Week 3

We have just finished week 3 in lockdown, so I thought I'd document some of the highlights of what I got up to, so I can remember years from now. Plus, writing is therapeutic to me and helps me to cope during a pretty unnerving time.   During lockdown, I'm lucky enough to be able to work from, which I do in the daytime Monday - Friday. So most of my activities below I do in the evening after work -...Read More