The truth of accepting and living with scoliosis: Cailey’s Story

The truth of accepting and living with scoliosis: Cailey’s Story

Hi everyone, In this guest post, Cailey Tarriane shares her scoliosis story and experiences. Feel free to share your own thoughts, comments and experiences with scoliosis below! If you'd like to share your own scoliosis story, please contact me. Believe it or not, scoliosis was manageable for me on some days. I wore a brace to school, skipping PE. Woo-Hoo! But it made me feel like a freak. I found a way to turn my condition into something funny, for...Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Olivia

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Olivia

hey! My name is Olivia! I’m a scoliosis warrior and spinal fusion survivor! I was given a suspected scoliosis diagnosis in May 2019 after my doctor did the Adam’s forward bend test and it looked like I had a curve. I was referred to x-rays that I got in the beginning of June 2019 that confirmed my diagnosis. Later that month, I went to see an orthopedic surgeon/orthopedist and I was given the option to brace or wait until surgery....Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Chantelle

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Chantelle

Hi, I’m Chantelle, a 17 year old student from Lincolnshire.  My scoliosis story began in 2015, but I’ll start off with a little background as to how we got there. From the age of about 7, I have experienced chronic pain in my legs (mainly my hips as well as my knees and ankles). Over the years, the doctors have just ignored it, claimed it’s growing pains or just knocked knees amongst other things. In 2015, aged 12, we decided...Read More

Scoliosis Awareness Month June 2021 – Share Your Story: Caroline Freedman

As part of scoliosis awareness month 2021, I am sharing inspiring scoliosis stories and content from the scoliosis community. If you'd like to share your story, or have any useful related content to share that may help the readers of this blog, please contact me! Caroline's Scoliosis Story Caroline Freedman is a Personal Trainer and TRX Sports Medicine Suspension Training exercise professional. At 15 years old, Caroline was diagnosed with severe scoliosis, leading to her lifelong journey through surgery and therapeutic exercise....Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Emily

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Emily

My Scoliosis Story - Emily Hi!  My name is Emily, I am 12 years old.  I love dancing, baking, drawing and my dog Jemima! I was first diagnosed in October 2019 when I went back to school and returned to my usual dance classes after the summer break.  I noticed a twinging pain in my right shoulder, almost like pins and needles, and my ballet leotard wasn’t sitting quite right on my back.  Some friends recommended a chiropractor, so we...Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Emily Hale

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021 – Share Your Story: Emily Hale

My story – spinal fusion and achievement against adversity My name is Emily Hale, I’m 23 years old and the Founder and MD of Build & Breathe, an online fitness studio tailored to those with Scoliosis & Spinal Fusions. Rather than just looking at the physical side of living with Scoliosis, we look at the whole person including the potential emotional impact of diagnosis and surgery. I was diagnosed at 14 years old – this can be a tricky time...Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021: Share Your Story – Sarah

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021: Share Your Story – Sarah

June is scoliosis awareness month and as part of this, I will be sharing your inspiring scoliosis stories on my blog and via my Instagram. If you’d like to get involved and help to share awareness, please contact me 🙂 Share Your Scoliosis Story - Sarah Hi, I am Sarah, a 23 year old from Manchester in the UK! I was first diagnosed with Scoliosis at the age of 13 following a trip to hospital for an X-ray on my lungs as I...Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021: Share Your Story – Shannon

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021: Share Your Story – Shannon

June is scoliosis awareness month and as part of this, I will be sharing your inspiring scoliosis stories on my blog and via my Instagram. If you’d like to get involved and help to share awareness, please contact me 🙂 Share Your Scoliosis Story - Shannon Hi my name is Shannon, I’m 19 years old. I have suffered with scoliosis and this my story and how my life is now. In July 2014, I was on holiday and my mom asked me to...Read More
Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021: Share Your Story – Imogen

Scoliosis Awareness Month 2021: Share Your Story – Imogen

As part of scoliosis awareness month 2021, I will be sharing your inspiring scoliosis stories on my blog and via my Instagram. Scoliosis awareness month is June. If you'd like to get involved and help to share awareness, please contact me :) Share Your Scoliosis Story - Imogen. Hi my name is Immi and I'm 21 years old. My story began back in early 2015 just before my 15th birthday. I started getting lower back pain but my mum told...Read More
Your Scoliosis Stories: Rachel’s Story

Your Scoliosis Stories: Rachel’s Story

In the spirit of scoliosis awareness month, I have another amazing inspirational scoliosis story to share from one of my lovely readers :) The latest story comes from Rachel, who shares her brave journey with scoliosis below. If you'd like to share your scoliosis story to be featured on this blog, please do get in touch! Your Scoliosis Stories... Rachel's Story I think anyone with scoliosis will agree with me when I say that it's unforgettable the minute you have...Read More
Your Scoliosis Stories: Lorraine’s Story

Your Scoliosis Stories: Lorraine’s Story

Firstly, I just want to say a huge thank you to those who have submitted their Scoliosis Stories to my blog. It means a lot to me and I think these stories really help and inspire others who suffer with scoliosis. The latest scoliosis story comes from Lorraine, who shares her experiences with scoliosis and having scoliosis surgery in the 1970's. Your Scoliosis Stories: Lorraine's Story 1970's Surgery I was diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis when I was 13. I was...Read More
Your Scoliosis Stories: Mark’s Story

Your Scoliosis Stories: Mark’s Story

The next scoliosis story comes from Mark, who offers a different perspective. Mark is 62 and had his first scoliosis surgery 30 years ago. Your Scoliosis Stories: Mark's Story 30 Years Ago As a young boy I had a lot of medical problems.  Among them I remember having asthma, anaemia, and a heart murmur.  So at the age of 12, our family doctor suggested a complete physical be done at the University Hospital in Madison.  After a whole day of tests,...Read More
Your Scoliosis Stories: Sadie’s Story

Your Scoliosis Stories: Sadie’s Story

Well, today is the last day of June (can you believe it?) which means the last day of Scoliosis Awareness Month. To finish off the month, I thought I'd post a couple more of your scoliosis stories that I have received. Please keep them coming and I'll be sure to feature them on my blog. :) Today's scoliosis story comes from Sadie, you can read her experiences with scoliosis below... Your Scoliosis Stories: Sadie's Story I just wanted to say...Read More
Your Scoliosis Stories: Kacey’s Story

Your Scoliosis Stories: Kacey’s Story

As June is scoliosis awareness month, I thought I'd kick off a feature I've been meaning to do for a while: Your Scoliosis Stories! This is a feature where I invite you, my readers, to share your own scoliosis stories so that we can all help and inspire each other. Below is the first story in this series, featuring Kacey and her very recent brave experiences with scoliosis surgery. Kacey is only 3 months post op but it sounds like...Read More